0800 058 4275
Get onboard the DOOH train

Get on board the DOOH train! 

How DOOH Spend Is Growing And Why You Need To Be Part Of It

Since the end of the pandemic, DOOH advertising has seen impressive  growth of over 24% in 2022 as businesses begin to advertise again and look for new ways to achieve their marketing goals. 

With such big growth happening in the DOOH space, it’s integral that your agency offers DOOH advertising to its clients. Ensuring you’re offering them innovative solutions to their advertising problems. 

Why offer DOOH to clients

We have a whole blog post answering this, but the main summary is that businesses should not be putting all of their money into one form of advertising. Instead, they need to be adopting an omnichannel approach. As marketing experts, you need to be able to offer this new solution to your clients. Otherwise, they may go elsewhere to get the service they deserve. 

DOOH advertising is a welcome addition to your client’s marketing strategy and can easily integrate into an omnichannel strategy. Providing another touchpoint between your client’s business and the potential customer. 

Make an impact on your target consumers

With over 50 active screens across Sussex in a variety of locations, there are plenty of advertising opportunities for your clients in areas that work for them. Having our screens in a variety of locations means that our advertisers are able to target consumers both at different stages of the customer journey and while they’re in different mindsets.

Our screens in leisure venues, for example, advertise to consumers when they’re in a positive mindset. Whether that be because their body is pumping with endorphins while they workout in the gym, or because they’re chilling out with friends at the Golf Club. As you’ll know, a consumer’s mood has a big impact on how they receive advertising so having some influence on this can be crucial to a campaign’s success. 

Run highly targeted campaigns outside of the online space

A misconception of DOOH advertising is that because it’s not online, it can’t be used to target specific segments of an audience. That’s not the case, it can actually work really well to retarget the same consumers. 

How PDOOH fits into your omnichannel marketing strategy

We touched on this in our last blog post, but by using data, programmatic DOOH (or PDOOH) can retarget consumers who have already seen a social media ad from the same business. With that level of targeting capability, businesses can run a whole new league of campaigns.

Targeted advertising is no longer something that is only possible in the digital landscape and you could be allowing your clients to use the technology to their advantage.

Advertising that fits the budget

Having heard about the cutting-edge technology that we use, it’s easy to think that this type of advertising is going to be out of your client’s budget. Unlike other advertising solutions, with us, you’re only paying for the number of impressions your advert generates. So the more people you reach, the more it’ll cost. 

That being said, the only thing that will make advertising in a popular venue more costly is how many people look at your ad. We don’t charge any more for busier venues, so wherever you advertise on our network, it’ll be one flat rate.

At the moment, that flat rate is £2.50 per 1,000 impressions. So you could be reaching 10,000 people a month for just £25. A price tag unimaginable on most digital platforms!

What are you waiting for?

Get in touch with our friendly team today to find out how our advertising network can ensure your clients reach their target market across Sussex. Call us on 0800 058 4275 or send us a message on our website.