0800 058 4275

Frequently Asked Questions

Click below to find out the answers!

What is Digital Out of Home advertising?

How do you measure the views?

How much does it cost?

What can you show on the screens?

Why should you have a screen in your business?

What is Digital Out of Home advertising?

DOOH stands for Digital Out Of Home and refers to any kind of digital advertisement seen in public spaces. A DOOH campaign is a form of promotional campaign that is run on a network of screens. These screens are placed in high footfall areas to maximise views and impressions. 

The brilliant thing about the Blue Billboard DOOH advertising network more specifically is that our screens are placed in venues and are viewed by audiences that brands wanting to do digital advertising might usually find hard to reach. 

Our network also guarantees that only relevant and non-competitive advertising will be used on your chosen screens, plus it can drill down to specific geographical areas, so if you want to show different ads in different towns then we can do that. 

You can find out more about DOOH advertising by reading our blog post.

Blue Billboard Screen The Little Barber Shop
Blue Billboard Screen in barber shop

How do you measure the views?

Our cameras use AI technology to recognise people when they look at the screen. What’s great about this is that our impressions don’t relate to people simply walking past the screen, it’s counting the amount of people that looked at the screen. Making the data more reliable.

It’s important to mention here that our cameras aren’t typical cameras, in that they don’t record people, nor do they capture people as a normal camera would. It’s similar to how Apple explains its face ID technology – the iPhone doesn’t store a photo of your phone, just a mathematical representation of it. 

What our data collection means for advertisers is that they know how many people have seen their ad, just like in digital marketing. An even further advancement in our technology means that our cameras can not only measure impressions, but emotions too. Recognising how the audience feels when displaying a particular advert. This type of data can be really useful when advertisers want to know how their ads are being received.

Want to take advantage of our data-driven advertising network? Give us a call on 0800 058 4275 to speak to our team about running your next campaign on our network.

How much does it cost?

Having heard all about how we’re using cutting edge technology to bring advertisers only the most reliable data, you may think this type of advertising and acquiring this kind of data is completely out of your budget.

The great thing about measuring impressions is that it makes our advertising cost-effective. So instead of paying for advertising space, you’re just paying for impressions. Therefore; cost is also dependent on how busy the location you want to advertise is. For example; a busy place with lots of footfall is going to be more expensive than a quieter venue.

To find out more about our pricing and how our network can help you with your next advertising campaign, give us a call on 0800 058 4275.

Blue Billboard Screen People Graphic
Screen in Hove Fitness

What can you show on the screens?

Generally, we encourage advertisers to show a video as these are really engaging and work well on our screens. Having said that, a montage of photos can also work well – it just needs to be eye-catching. 

We offer extensive photography and promotional video services through our partnership with Clearpath Media. So if you don’t already have an eye-catching ad, we can create one for you. 

In terms of what can be shown on our screens, the possibilities are endless. The only thing we ask is that your advert is deemed ‘pre-watershed’. Meaning that it contains no nudity, violence, alcohol or smoking. 

Why should you have a screen in your business?

We’re always on the lookout for more businesses across Sussex to become a part of our fast-growing display screen network. The great thing about becoming a part of the Blue Billboard DOOH network is that it’s completely FREE for you to join and you can even run your own ad campaigns for FREE too.

There are three main reasons your business needs a Blue Billboard screen. Having a screen will draw people’s attention to your business, they can increase your sales and create a passive income stream for you as we give you a cut of the ad revenue. 

To find out more, visit our blog post or give us a call on 0800 058 4275 to find out how you can become part of our network. 

Blue Billboard Garage Graphic
Blue Billboard Screen

Advertise in venues across the South East with Blue Billboard.

Have an enquiry on our digital display screens?

Give us a call on 0800 058 4275

Alternatively fill out our enquiry form and one of our dedicated team will get back to you shortly.