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What is PDOOH advertising and why should I use it

What Is PDOOH Advertising and Why Should I Use It?

In our latest technological update, we spoke about PDOOH (Programmatic Digital Out Of Home) advertising and how the increase in its use is one of the biggest pieces of DOOH industry news. So what exactly is PDOOH and why should you be using it to advertise your business?

PDOOH advertising is revolutionising the DOOH advertising landscape as it allows advertisers to run campaigns across different networks through one point of contact. As opposed to having to contact each network individually. Here are the top three benefits of PDOOH advertising.

Be more relevant to your audience

No matter how specifically you target traditional online advertising, it will be shown to some consumers who simply aren’t interested. 

With PDOOH advertising, you can run context-relevant ads; meaning that you don’t have to be relevant to consumers personally, just the environment they’re in when they see your ad. For example; advertising that your new wonderfully warm hot chocolate is a 2 minute walk away when your potential customers are standing out in the cold can be really effective. In fact, studies suggest that contextual advertising can increase purchase intent by 63%!

Retarget consumers through PDOOH

We touched on this in our technological update, but we think it’s worth talking about again as it’s something that not a lot of businesses know about.

It’s a misconception that digital marketing is the only way to retarget consumers, but digital screen advertising can do it too. By using geofencing, a way to create a virtual geographic boundary around our screen, we can send retargeted and personalised messages to each consumer who walks past the board. Providing they have a smartphone on them.

Using this tool can be a really powerful way to reinforce your message to people as they’ll be seeing your advertising in the online and physical space. This makes PDOOH a fantastic way to improve your omnichannel marketing approach.

Get real data in real-time

One of the biggest limitations of billboard advertising in previous years was the lack of insights that could be produced to show ROI (Return On Investment). Now, using AI technology, we collect real-time data from our screens so we can tell advertisers how many people have seen their ad and even how they felt when they did.

Having this data means that advertisers can clearly see if they’re advertising campaign is working or not. If they are not getting the results they want, we work with our advertisers to make the changes they need to their advertising. Whether that be re-designing the ad to make sure consumers feel a certain way when viewing it, or suggesting different venues or geographical areas in which to advertise. 

There’s never been a better time to join the PDOOH revolution! Contact us now to start using PDOOH as part of your advertising strategy to run a display screen advertising campaign in Sussex.