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Blue Billboard technological update

It’s the new DOOH with a capital P!

As the third quarter of 2022 comes to a close, it’s time to look at what’s coming up for the Digital Out Of Home (DOOH) industry. One of the biggest pieces of news is the increasing use of Programmatic Digital Out Of Home (PDOOH) advertising.

PDOOH gives advertisers the ability to deal with one company, but advertise across different networks. Think of it like DOOHs version of the website advertising upgrade. Before ad exchanges came along, you would have to contact each individual website that you wanted to advertise on. Whereas now, you can go to an ad exchange and pay them to place you on relevant websites. 

In a similar way, advertisers are able to go to an ad exchange (e.g Place Exchange) and run their advertising campaign on multiple digital display screen networks. Here at Blue Billboard, we’re going to be working with Place Exchange and Hivestack soon to allow their clients to advertise on our network of screens. Giving advertisers the chance to run some really geographically-specific advertising.

Benefits of PDOOH for advertisers

Being able to run DOOH advertising campaigns programatically is great, but what does it mean for advertisers other than making it easier to advertise across platforms?

PDOOH really is the future of DOOH advertising in that it can do things that other online advertising can’t. There’s a lot of talk about digital marketing and how it can be used to target consumers based on data. But some things just can’t be done online; for example, displaying a weather-triggered advert near a particular venue. Think about how effective it would be to show a cosy photo of a hot chocolate to someone walking to work in the rain!


You may not think it, but display screen advertising can be used to re-target consumers that have already been exposed to your advertising. New technology allows different advertising networks to talk to each other. Communicating what they displayed and where. Allowing advertisers running a campaign on mobile to also display advertising on a display screen near to where the mobile advertising was shown. 

No online limitations

Although online advertising can be really well targeted, there are still things that can get in the way of it being seen. Such as ad blocks and screen positioning. Anything online, advertising or not, also runs the risk of running into security issues. With PDOOH, you can get the benefits of targeted advertising, without having to worry about these limitations.

Using new technology to overcome new problems

Over the last year, we’ve seen consumers become more and more aware of the data that they share with companies. As a result, online advertising is getting harder and harder to do as ad companies struggle to target consumers with relevant ads because they don’t have the data to do so. 

As time goes on, we predict that it’ll get to a point where consumers cannot easily be reached through online advertising, if at all. Which is where PDOOH comes in as consumers can still be specifically targeted with the use of display screen networks. 

We’re going to be publishing another blog post soon that goes into more depth about PDOOH. Explaining the benefits it can bring to your business. Make sure you follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or Instagram to find out when it comes out!